Recently I found a interesting R package call nessy which allows you to create a simple game driven by shiny. Thus. I tried a little bit about this package. Making a interactive app in R is promising in the files like teaching, presentation and visualization.
Finally, I created the following shiny app:
library(nessy)library(shinyjs)jscode <-"shinyjs.closeWindow = function() { window.close(); }"ui <-cartridge(title ="{Memorize the Names!}",subtitle ="Do you have some names to memorize in few minutes? Try this game!",container_with_title(title ="Names you want to memorize (i.e. Jonathan, Lesa)" ),container_with_title(title ="Add a Name",text_input(id ="name1", label ="Name", placeholder ="Jonathan Templin"),text_input(id ="key", label ="Keys", placeholder ="Iowa/DCM"),htmlOutput("namelist"),button_primary(id ="add", "Add") ),button_success(id ="play", "Play the Game"),useShinyjs(),extendShinyjs(text = jscode, functions =c("closeWindow")),button_error(id ="close", "Close Window"),# Game pagesuiOutput("gamepage"))server <-function(input, output, session) { names <-reactiveValues(oldnames ="",allnames =NULL,allkeys =NULL )observeEvent(input$add, { names$oldnames =paste(names$oldnames, "<br>", input$name1, " <==> ", input$key) names$allnames =c(names$allnames, input$name1) names$allkeys =c(names$allkeys, input$key) output$namelist <-renderText(names$oldnames) })observeEvent(input$play, { selectedkey <-sample(names$allkeys, 1) selectedname <- names$allnames[names$allkeys == selectedkey] output$gamepage <-renderUI({container_with_title(paste("Key:", selectedkey),text_input(id ="guessname", label ="Guess a Name", placeholder ="Jonathan") ) }) })observeEvent(input$close, { js$closeWindow()stopApp() })}shiny::shinyApp(ui, server)
---title: Make a Game in Rauthor: jihongdate: '2019-04-19'slug: make-a-game-in-rcategories: - blogtags: - Blogauthors: []---> Recently I found a interesting R package call nessy which allows you to create a simple game driven by shiny. Thus. I tried a little bit about this package. Making a interactive app in R is promising in the files like teaching, presentation and visualization.Finally, I created the following shiny app:```{r eval=FALSE, echo=TRUE}library(nessy)library(shinyjs)jscode <- "shinyjs.closeWindow = function() { window.close(); }"ui <- cartridge( title = "{Memorize the Names!}", subtitle = "Do you have some names to memorize in few minutes? Try this game!", container_with_title( title = "Names you want to memorize (i.e. Jonathan, Lesa)" ), container_with_title( title = "Add a Name", text_input(id = "name1", label = "Name", placeholder = "Jonathan Templin"), text_input(id = "key", label = "Keys", placeholder = "Iowa/DCM"), htmlOutput("namelist"), button_primary(id = "add", "Add") ), button_success(id = "play", "Play the Game"), useShinyjs(), extendShinyjs(text = jscode, functions = c("closeWindow")), button_error(id = "close", "Close Window"), # Game pages uiOutput("gamepage"))server <- function(input, output, session) { names <- reactiveValues( oldnames = "", allnames = NULL, allkeys = NULL ) observeEvent(input$add, { names$oldnames = paste(names$oldnames, "<br>", input$name1, " <==> ", input$key) names$allnames = c(names$allnames, input$name1) names$allkeys = c(names$allkeys, input$key) output$namelist <- renderText(names$oldnames) }) observeEvent(input$play, { selectedkey <- sample(names$allkeys, 1) selectedname <- names$allnames[names$allkeys == selectedkey] output$gamepage <- renderUI({ container_with_title( paste("Key:", selectedkey), text_input(id = "guessname", label = "Guess a Name", placeholder = "Jonathan") ) }) }) observeEvent(input$close, { js$closeWindow() stopApp() })}shiny::shinyApp(ui, server)```The game is like this:<iframe width="900" height="900" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" src=""></iframe>